Book's cover
Preface v
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction 1
The Origin of the Shoulder Strap 1829-1834 7
The Bimetalic Era 1835-1850 17
The Golden Era 1851-1871 Regulation Shoulder Straps 25
The Golden Era 1851-1871 Nonregulation Shoulder Straps 55
The Silver Era 1872-1901 87
Towards Obsolescence 1902-1936 103
The Modern Era 1937 - Present 113
Other Shoulder Straps 131
Appendix A: Suppliers of Shoulder Straps 154
Appendix B: Key of Branch Colors 156
Appendix C: Regulation Border Dimensions 161
Appendix D: Color Photographs 162
Appendix E: Styles of Grade Devices 178
Notes 181
Index 195

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