Lieutenant Colonel's Epaulette
This lieutenant colonel's epaulette is lacking a branch of service
device, such as a circlet or staff department insignia and may have originally
belonged to a militia officer. It does illustrate the thicker bullion
tassels at the ends and the large silver leaf on the strap of the epaulette.
Lieutenant colonels originally were given a silver, rather than a gold leaf, so
that it would contrast with the gold lace of the epaulette strap. A major
worn no grade device but did have thicker bullion tassels on his epaulette than
a second lieutenant who also had no grade device. Students of heraldry
have long been puzzled by the illogical nature of modern United States
Army grade insignia. The higher grades (lieutenant colonels and first
lieutenants) have a less "noble" metal than lower grade officers (majors
and second lieutenants). The reason for this goes all the way back to epaulettes
and the need to use silver to contrast with the gold of the strap.
MORE: Colonel's Epaulette
MORE: Second Lieutenant's Epaulette
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