Union Army Uniforms and Insignia of the Civil War
Cavalry Officer's Uniform

Unknown Cavalry Second Lieutenant holding Hat
Detail of Hat
This unidentified cavalry second lieutenant is wearing a frock coat with shoulder straps. The coat is single-breasted with nine cavalry officer's buttons down the front, indicating that he is a company grade officer. The waist is narrow and tapered for a close fit and the collar relatively high. These may be taken as indicators of an early war image. Compare the tailoring of this frock coat to that of Lieutenant Andrew Douglas Ramsay, who was killed at the battle of First Bull Run (Manassas). It is interesting that the cuffs are dark velvet, a feature generally seen only on general's uniforms. His shoulder straps would have a yellow field with no grade devices. He is holding a Burnside pattern felt hat with embroidered crossed sabers on the front. The style of these particular sabers has a longer upper portion of the scabbard beyond the crossing point. It is difficult to know if they are actual or metallic false-embroidered. The sabers are on a velvet oval and surrounded by a Jaceron wire border. They lack a regimental number. There are two feathers on the side of the hat, as called for in the regulations. The hat cord, which would be black and gold in color, is visible.
MORE:Officers' Hat Insignia (Catalog Drawings)
Staff Officer's Hat
Another Cavalry Second Lieutenant in Frock Coat
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